Hello there! I’m Katie Bosler and you’re probably deciding if you want to book me as your photographer. Here’s a little about me as well as my booking process.

Being Texas bred, I can never say no to chips and salsa, Whataburger and Dr. Pepper. I love science and nature documentaries. During the weekdays, I drink my coffee black with a teaspoon of honey but on Saturday and Sunday, I load it up with creamer. I have two dogs – an Irish setter and a Pyrador mutt. I am highly motivated by food and crossing off items on my lists (I have a list for everything). I love talking about finance and business goals with anyone who’s starting a business because that’s what I am doing with KABosler Photography.  Oh, and I love photography of course! Anytime I can get behind the camera, I do!

I truly enjoy getting to know my clients before and during a session. If you meet with me, I’ll probably suggest we meet at a coffee shop because I enjoy the warm and relaxed atmosphere of them. Also, I love scheduling everything. I’m that Type A personality where I’m going to make sure everything is perfect before we get to your session. I ask my clients about themselves and their style; I ask about the particular session they want (maternity, graduation, proposal, etc.) and then pose preferences like “nature or urban,” “vintage or modern,” or “romantic or rustic,” to get a better idea of their style. I want to know the things that matter to them and the “why” behind the celebration. I want to give photos that they will cherish and live as a reminder for their joyous occasion.

I hope this gives you enough to say hello! I would love to hear from you and talk about your ideal session!


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